The Whitest Hip Hop You Know: Indie Kids Edition

Gerard Mars

A summer mixtape for the hip hop amateur that wants to know what's hot and what's what this season of music. Crafted specially for those muchachos out there who enjoy the current indie scene and want to jump in on the hip hop wagon as well, featuring an audio foreword by Dr. Stephen Hawking (author of History of The Universe & History of Hip Hop In Space), the mixtape includes hit single's like Kanye West's Hell Of A LifE and more obscure yet "pretty hip" (As the kids these days call it) tunes like Freddie Gibb's On One and Frank Ocean's Nature Feels. The cover art of the mixtape was shot by Gerard Mars. DOWNLOAD NOW and actually know what the hell Pitchfork is saying when they talk about ?dope beats? in their website.

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