Summer in a Strange City

Something About Blacktop

Relocation is a tricky thing. After 314 days in the wilds of Mississippi, we crash-landed in California in mid-June after 2,459 miles across the beautiful/desolate/interesting American West. We're living above the lake in Echo Park. When I'm not lost, I think I'm in love.

Anytime you move, anytime something significantly changes in your life, there is this strange halcyon fog that seems to settle over everything like some long-term warm jet lag. This summer — the weather out here - seems to be exacerbating it. I couldn't shake it if I wanted to.

There is something about the light in Los Angeles. The way it hovers, moth-like, over the neighborhoods that line the 101 and beaches off of the PCH around 7 P.M. That proverbial "golden hour," experienced in the town where the term was coined. It seems like it goes on forever, bumping up against canyons and businesses districts and swimming pools and taco trucks before finally trickling out way off in the cold blue water of the Pacific Ocean. It's different. You can ask people. They'll tell you. I've never seen anything like it. I put this mix together thinking about that light. One golden hour (full disclosure: 59'38") of honest-to-goodness light in bit form.

This is a mix about not knowing whether you're facing north or south, about not knowing which streets are one way and which are not, about driving ten miles under the speed limit futilely trying to take everything in, about thinking that you have the lay of land and realizing you don't. It's a mix about experiencing things for the first time when you thought that you'd already experienced anything worth experiencing, damn it. It's a mix about change and those ninety days we get every year when everything slows down and feels different. Even the light. It's about summer in a strange city.

Summer In A Strange City:

1. Surf Erie - Monster Rally
2. Weekends - Tiger Wave
3. Nancy from Now On - Father John Misty
4. I Wonder - Rodriguez
5. Say Yes - Langhorn Slim
6. You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling - Lee Hazelwood&Nancy Sinatra
7. I Want to Hold Your Other Hand - The Brian Jonestown Massacre
8. Thicker Than A Smokey - Gary Higgins
9. Corvette Cassette - Slow Magic
10. You and Your Sister - Chris Bell
11. 1966 - Moon Tides
12. Sunday (Psychic Conversation #9) - Crocodiles
13. Blackberry Song - Kurt Vile
14. Cover It Up - Gap Dream
15. The Worst Days - Saint Seneca
16. Big City Blues - Sun Ra
17. Son of Sam - Elliott Smith
18. Motel Blues - Big Star
19. Sunset Surf - The Truants

You're right, it is different! This is my new favorite summer mix over here in SF.
Courtney · July 09th, 2012 - 11:20pm
So far, this is one of THE best collections on summermixseries. Thank you for putting together this great mix :)
nik · July 10th, 2012 - 10:29am
great mix
mr colonel · July 20th, 2012 - 06:40pm

Sorry, comments closed for the season.