
Pedro Einloft

Unison is a Brazilian music mix, and it aims to showcase a small portion of the music that has been created in this country in the last 10 years.

Brazilian music still is — and most likely always will be, deservedly so — connected with artists from the 60s and the 70s such as Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Os Mutantes and Jorge Ben — not to mention the obvious connections with samba and Bossa Nova. Still, the music scene that has been developing here in the last years (mostly without the support of major labels) is also worthy of the world’s attention. It’s plural in the widest sense of the word, recognizing and respecting its roots, yet breaking frontiers by embracing influences from all over the world. Sonorously, the songs here presented are all over the place — from rock and pop to electronic and experimental music —, but you’ll be able to hear in each of these tunes that something which our music has always proudly showcased. Even if the perenniality of some of these songs may be somewhat questionable, I do believe that others may end up achieving the “classic” status.

Listen loud. Dance. Have fun.

I am all over this one!
Paul · June 28th, 2012 - 04:49pm
agreed, very stoked for this. thanks!
Michael · July 03rd, 2012 - 01:24pm

Sorry, comments closed for the season.